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Seoul Destination

National Children’s Science Center

National Children’s Science Center0 : Exterior view of the National Children's Science Center decorated in universe theme images
National Children’s Science Center1 : Exterior view of the National Children's Science Center decorated in universe theme images 2
National Children’s Science Center2 : Panoramic view of photo zone where displays the character model for the National Children's Science Center
National Children’s Science Center3 : Interior view of the National Children's Science Center
National Children’s Science Center4 : Interior view of the National Children's Science Center that provides children's play facilities and mats
National Children’s Science Center5 : Whole A view of the National Children's Science Museum's Sense Playground
National Children’s Science Center6 : A view of the interior of the National Children's Science Museum, equipped with the latest exhibition space

Basic Information


The National Children’s Science Center was opened on December 2017, and is located on Changgyeonggung-ro. It is connected to Changgyeonggung Palace through the 'Science Gate' and exhibits scientific equipment for various experiments that children can enjoy and interact with to the fullest. Based on scientific theories and methods, the center has 3 science playgrounds(Sensory Playground, Imagination Playground, Creative Playground), an astronomical observatory and a 4D video hall where visitors can learn through play.


The center operates a variety of customized programs, such as a creative science class where children and parents can learn and enjoy together, and a science culture festival in collaboration with the local community. In the permanent exhibition hall, there is a sensory playground and an imagination playground where children can develop their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional skills based on the characteristics of each learning environment.


The entryway and main entrance have no incline or obstacles providing easy access to wheelchair users and infant strollers. The main entrance has *tactile paving and Korean description braille map for the visually impaired as well. Parking lotand restrooms are accessible for wheelchair users. Wheelchair and stroller rental is available. The elevator has Korea braille description on each button. Infant nursing rooms and changing stations are available for families with babies.


*tactile paving is raised surface tiles to alert and guide the visually impaired. 

Public Transportation

215, Changgyeonggung-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Right to exit 4 of subway line 4 Hyehwa station